Long Island Chapter History
The Chapter presently has 45 contractor members. Susan Pascale is our 31st President in the 75 years that the Chapter has existed. The Chapter administers five separate contracts with Local Union 25, IBEW.
A letter was read at the first meeting from Paul M. Geary, Executive Vice President of NECA, transmitting the approved copy of the by-laws and the Charter application. The first Chapter Manager was Allan Grimes, who started on March 7, 1949 and resigned on April 13, 1949 (that has to be some kind of record). There were three Chapter Managers between Mr. Grimes and John B. Kiernan, who was hired on May 5, 1950. Mr. Kiernan stayed for 15 years and resigned June 16, 1965. Barry French was then hired as Chapter Manager and he retired in 1986. Andrew J. Nowotny served from 1987 to 1997, Michael Gilchrist from 1997 to 2002, Roy Richey from 2002 to 2012, and Pete Mastrorocco from 2012 to 2020. AJ McAteer is currently serving as Chapter Manager from 2020-present. Note: ISB, Industrial Stabilization Board, now the EIB Electrical Industry Board, was first mentioned in the NECA minutes on August 29, 1950 |