As an electrical contractor on Long Island, how much is your time worth?
Your time is valuable! You bid work, meet customers, organize projects, coordinate manpower and review financial reports. You don't have time to shop for insurance products, call around for wage information, interpret labor agreements, develop your own safety programs and quality educational programs for your field and office personnel. NECA is an extension of you -- the union electrical contractor. We offer you the opportunity to have a direct say in the electrical construction industry and its future. NECA is a vital resource that brings you the educational programs and business services you need to stay competitive and informed. The benefits of NECA membership are immense as NECA contractors directly strengthen their industry, influence governmental regulations and enjoy access to exclusive industry resources. |
Vision Statement:
The Long Island Chapter, National Electrical Contractors Association has been established to provide a collective voice for the Electrical Industry on Long Island. Our goal is to provide safe, quality and professionally installed electrical work to both the public and private consumer. Through cooperation with our union counterparts, this Chapter will provide training for both new apprentices and continuing education for journeymen. Our member contractors will continue to be updated with the newest methods and means to deliver the highest quality services in the most effective manner possible. Mission Statement: The Long Island Chapter, NECA, through continued effort of our members, will support educational programs for both the member contractors as well as the Electrical Workers we employ. Through sound labor relations and vigilant oversight we will insure the highest quality of electrical work to our customers: On Time and On Budget. |
Proud Of Our Work